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Depositary Service Fee Search Result

Click on the PDF icon to view the latest associated notice. To view the full depositary service fee (DSF) history report, click on the company name, or the PDF under the History column.

Generated on Saturday, July 27, 2024 8:39:18 AM

Company Date of Notice Ticker CUSIP Country Record Date DSF Fee ($) History
NuCana PLC 7/12/2024 NCNA 67022C205 UK 8/22/2024 0.02000000
Niu Technologies 7/1/2024 NIU US 65481N100 China 8/30/2024 0.02000000
Navios Maritime Holdings, Inc. 5/16/2024 NMPGY 63938Y100 Greece 7/15/2024 0.02000000
Navios Maritime Holdings, Inc. 5/16/2024 NMPRY 63938Y308 Greece 7/15/2024 0.02000000
Ningbo Shanshan Co., Ltd. 4/5/2024 SSNE SW 65447N103 China 6/3/2024 0.02000000
Nanobiotix S.A. 11/15/2023 NBTX 63009J107 France 1/12/2024 0.02000000
Nexxen International Ltd. 11/13/2023 NEXN 89484T104 Israel 1/12/2024 0.02000000
Noah Holdings Limited 8/1/2023 NOAH 65487X102 China 9/29/2023 0.02000000

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