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With the world's most respected and acclaimed network behind us, we have the capability, experience and information you need to deal in the global markets. Local presence combined with our direct relationships with our issuers allow us to provide timely financial, corporate action and profile data.

We are part of Citi's Global Securities Services division, which is a global leader in domestic and cross-border transaction services for the world's top investors, intermediaries and issuers. With the industry's largest proprietary network spanning 50 countries and $5 trillion in assets under administration, Citi consistently ranks as the premier choice for custody, clearing, global agency and trust and depositary receipts services in more markets than any other bank, according to industry surveys. Investment managers, broker-dealers and global custodians rely on Citi for authoritative market intelligence, state-of-the-art processing capabilities and responsive client service.

Citi Global Securities Services ably handles end-to-end transactions on a global scale that no other financial institution can match. Through its comprehensive product and service offerings, and as a sophisticated information provider with local market experts worldwide, Citi stands out among all securities service providers with its full range of solutions and capabilities.

Clients turn to Citi Global Securities Services to deliver these Products and Services:

For Issuers

  • Agency and Trust provides a full range of support across multiple currencies, regionally and globally for issuers looking to raise short, medium and long term debt in all major markets.
  • Depositary Receipts provides a full range of pre- and post- DR program services including: liaison with the issuer, investment bank, issuer's legal representative and regulatory agencies and transfer and registrations services; account management; corporate action services.

For Intermediaries

  • Supports the international securities trading and investment activities of leading and selected broker-dealers through efficient receipt, delivery, safekeeping and related cash/FX.

For Investors

  • For the global investor, Citi Global Securities Services offers solutions that combine unmatched execution, global consistency and local market expertise including custody, securities financing, outsourcing services, performance measurement, derivatives, short-term investment funds, AutoFX, compliance monitoring, trustee services, investment administration, accounting, and offshore funds.

Our Institutional Sales and Broker Services teams stand ready to provide you with the information you need to enter these markets in a timely and cost effective manner.