Investment Plans / Services
Investment Plans provide individual investors with the opportunity to purchase additional shares in a company without having to interact with a broker. Created to attract individual investors, most plans allow for frequent purchases at modest fees. Some plans allow you to reinvest all or some of your dividends to purchase additional shares, while some allow you to make additional optional cash payments by check or through automatic withdrawal from your bank account. All shares purchased through a plan are held for safekeeping in your plan account.
International Direct Investment Plan
Access this page to find information on international direct investment plans. The International Direct Investment Program is a dividend reinvestment and direct purchase plan sponsored and administered by Citibank, N.A. The Program enables existing holders and first-time purchasers the opportunity to make purchases, reinvest dividends, deposit certificates for safekeeping and sell shares.
Nokia Corporation Investment Plan
Access this page to find information on the Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Purchase Plan for Nokia Corporation. The plan is open to individual investors and provides the opportunity for participants to make frequent investments in Nokia ADSs. Nokia is a company incorporated in Finland whose ADSs trade on the NYSE under the ticker symbol NOK.
Dividend Reinvestment Plans
Access this page to find further information on divendend reinvestment plans. These plans are available to existing registered holders and enable them to use their cash dividends to purchase additional shares in the company.